Business Rates
Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme 2024-25 & 2025-26
The Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme (RLHRR) is available to qualifying businesses who operate in the retail, leisure, and hospitality sectors. The aim of the relief is to support these sectors to improve their chances of recovery from the economic challenges which have affected them in recent years.
Eligible business will receive a 40% reduction to their non-domestic rates net liability in 2024-25/2025-26. The maximum cash value of the rates relief allowed, across all properties in Wales occupied by the same business, should not exceed £110,000.
The relief will be provided as a subsidy by way of Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA). The same business must not claim more than £315,000 in total of MFA over three years (including 2024-25/2025-26). RLHRR schemes in Wales prior to 2023-24 were not provided as a subsidy and should not be counted towards the MFA limit. The gross value of relief claimed by the same business must, therefore, not exceed £110,000 in Wales for 2024-25/2025-26 (to comply with the terms of this scheme) or £315,000 from 2022-23 to 2024-25/2025-26 inclusive (to comply with subsidy control requirements). Businesses claiming the relief must declare that the amount being claimed does not exceed those limits, before the relief can be awarded.
Businesses are required to declare that they meet the eligibility criteria and state which properties they seek to claim relief on. Where 40% of liability across a business’s properties exceeds £110,000 or the MFA limit, businesses are required to specify which properties they would like the relief to apply to. Businesses may choose which properties they seek relief for. Where the total relief allowed for other properties is close to the maximum amount of £110,000 or the MFA limit, an amount of relief of less than 40% may be allowed for a further eligible property.
An application form must be submitted to each local authority from which a business is seeking to claim relief for a property in that authority’s area. Each form must include details of all properties for which relief is being sought throughout Wales. If an application is not made, then relief cannot be awarded.
Any attempt by a business to deliberately claim in excess of £110,000 relief will risk the withdrawal of relief granted under the scheme to that business by any local authority in Wales. Information on relief claimed under the scheme will be shared with other local authorities and the Welsh Government, enabling any aggregate claims in excess of £110,000 to be identified and if necessary, acted upon.
Please make your application for the relevant financial year using the links below. If you have already applied for 2024-25 you will only need to make an application for 2025-26.