Apprenticeships and Training

Jobs Growth Wales +

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that supports in gaining the skills, qualifications and experience needed to get a job or further training.

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a Welsh Government programme included in the Young Persons Guarantee. It is part-funded by the European Social Fund.

Jobs Growth Wales + is based on the needs of each individual learner and aims to support each individual learner by providing an allowance and help with travel costs. Learners receive an allowance of £75* a week for full attendance at one of our 4 centres (Pembroke Dock, Milford Haven, Haverfordwest and Cardigan).

*this includes a meal allowance of £3.90 per day


How Jobs Growth Wales+ can support you?

There are three strands of support involved with Jobs Growth Wales+ and which one you engage with depends on where you are in your journey:

  • Engagement Strand: This support is suitable for individuals who are unsure what career path they want to follow. The support offered can provide a taster of jobs you might be interested in and also get you ready for moving into employment
  • Advancement Strand: This support is suitable for individual who have a particular job or career in mind. The support offered can provide training and skills in your chosen subject to help progress to a higher level. You can also gain work experience with employers.
  • Employment Strand: This support is suitable for individuals who are ready to start work and know what they want to do. The support offered can provide job opportunities with local employers. Employers receive a wage subsidy from the Welsh Government to go towards paying your salary for the first 6 months you work there. 


For more information about Futureworks' Jobs Growth Wales+ contact us on:

01437 776437

Information about Jobs Growth Wales + (opens in a new tab) 



ID: 2465, revised 01/08/2023