Annual Self-Assessment 2021-22

Executive Summary: SA3 - Leadership and Governance

To provide a visible and transparent way of measuring where we are on our improvement journey through time each sub-theme is scored using the system set out below, and provides both a current and forward looking perspective.

  • Score 1: Current performance - Excellent; Improvement phase - Effective
  • Score 2: Current performance - Good; Improvement phase - Embedding
  • Score 3: Current performance - Fair; Improvement phase - Evolving
  • Score 4: Current performance - Poor; Improvement phase - Emerging


SA3.1: Overview and Scrutiny

SA3.2: Democratic participation

SA3.3: Audit and Governance

SA3.4: Safeguarding


SA3.1: Overview and Scrutiny

  • Current performance: 3
  • Improvement phase: 3

Assessment of current performance (how well are we doing?)

A Corporate Peer Challenge review was undertaken in February 2020 and its report made the following over-arching findings in relation to Overview and Scrutiny in the Authority:

  • Whilst some of the council’s Scrutiny Committees are seen to be effective and making a difference, others are seen not to be operating anywhere near adequately enough
  • Concerns about the effectiveness of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee were highlighted in particular but it is not alone

Specific issues highlighted within the report:

  • Meetings not being quorate, or at risk of it, in circumstances that couldn’t be described as exceptional
  • The focus of Scrutiny seems unclear and there is no effective corporate work programming arrangement in place to … aid the work of the council in delivering for local people – both in holding the Cabinet to account and helping to shape and inform policy development
  • Summary finding: The status quo around what should and can be a key governance function and valuable asset for the council is completely unsustainable

The Chairman of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee wrote to the Leader and Chief Executive seeking insights into the report as they related to Overview and Scrutiny and extending this to include reflections regarding personalised attacks on officers via social media.

To get an insight and understanding of member and officer perceptions of Overview and Scrutiny, two short and identical surveys, with submissions anonymised, were made available for completion during the last two weeks – one for all elected members and one for senior officers. The questions below were posed, with scoring on a scale of 1 to 5.

Over 50% of elected members completed the survey, along with around 25% of senior officers. The findings of that survey indicated that:

  • To what extent is there a need to improve the approach to Overview and Scrutiny in the council?  69% of elected members scored this highly, along with 72% of senior officer
  • How fulfilled do you feel by your role linked to Overview and Scrutiny? 50% of councillors scored this at a low level whilst 44% indicated a score of 4 or 5, with 86% of senior officers scoring it 3 or below
  • How much of a difference do you feel Overview and Scrutiny Committees make to improving the way the council works or the quality of people’s lives in Pembrokeshire?– all senior officers indicated a score of 3 or below whilst councillors were evenly split – 44% indicating a score of 1 or 2 and 43% indicating 4 or 5
  • How would you score the impact of activity undertaken by Working Groups connected to Overview and Scrutiny? 57% of senior officers indicated a score of 3 whilst, with elected members, 69% scored 4 or 5
  • To what extent does Overview and Scrutiny as it currently operates represent good use of the council’s resources? virtually all senior officers scored it between 1 and 3 whilst for elected members 40% indicated a score of 1 or 2 and 38% scored it as a 4 or 5

 A Members Seminar was held on 13 April 2021 to discuss the findings attended by Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and three Members of the original Peer Team who conducted the review.

 The Democratic and Scrutiny Support Team raised issues that they encountered in terms of supporting Overview and Scrutiny Committees. This covered attendance/quorum; preparation for meetings; importance of preparing questions; and capturing decisions/recommendations.

It is acknowledged that there is inconsistency around the effectiveness of scrutiny. However, Committees are functioning effectively in terms of regular meetings are being held as scheduled, terms of reference have been set and are generally understood by Members. Meetings have been held remotely via Connect Remote platform and all Members are fully conversant and comfortable with using this technology. Significant savings have been made by hosting remote meetings. Unfortunately, due to the Covid pandemic, committees have not been able to undertake site visits to areas of service that they are scrutinising.

Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees together with the Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee and the Cabinet Member Scrutiny Champion have met with the Democratic and Scrutiny Support Team at the end of each cycle of meeting to discuss their meetings, to feedback from the last cycle to ensure co-ordination and best practice can be shared between the Committees, and to discuss future areas of work and forward work programming. They have also been monitoring progress of the Scrutiny Improvement Action Plan as has the Democratic Services Committee

Examples of good scrutiny include Pre-decision scrutiny such as the Disabled Persons’ Parking Places policy prior to consideration by Cabinet; Waste Working group review of new waste and recycling; flooding in Haven’s Head and Lower Priory Milford Haven; Estyn Action Plan; Civil Enforcement and Budget Scrutiny.

During the period a number of achievements were made. These included the introduction of new template reports; reviewed mechanism for referring Notice of Motions to Overview and Scrutiny Committees; consistency of Minutes looked at across committees; focus placed on items of business for added value of residents of Pembrokeshire.

Evidence (how do we know?)

Corporate Peer Challenge Review Report Feb 2020 

Annual Report June 2021 considered during September and October 2021 

Comments from Chairs/Vice-Chairs and Scrutiny Members – detailed in Annual Report

Seminar led by Local Government Association held on 13 April 2021. 

Minutes and Webcast of Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting held on 22 April 2021   

Improvement actions (what can we do better and how?)

  • Address the issues raised in the Corporate Peer Challenge report with the new Committees. Taking the opportunity to share best practice with the Scrutiny Strategy Group.
  • Develop a training programme for all Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committees as part of induction process. In conjunction with the WLGA, Modules will be delivered on Introduction to Scrutiny, Chairing Skills and Scrutiny questioning. There will also be online modules relating to Scrutiny provided on POD and signposting to other resources available. Ensure all Members attend and evaluate the feedback received and act on any suggestions.
  • Develop a Learning Needs Analysis for Members to identify collective and individual skill needs.
  • With Chairs and Vice-Chairs we will focus on annual self-evaluation for scrutiny work to feed into the Annual Report. This will be discussed with the Scrutiny Strategy Group. Annual survey to inform the Annual Report.
  • Work with Chairs and Committee Members to ensure Forward Work Programme items are relevant and add value to residents of Pembrokeshire whilst discouraging ‘to note’ items.
  • Look at public participation in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 and Local Government Measure 2011 to ensure broader engagement. More work to do on promoting what Overview and Scrutiny Committees are doing and how to get involved via social media and sharing links to scrutiny and Democracy web pages.  This will involve working with the Comms Team to raise the profile with targeted communications.
  • Scrutiny Action Plan – continue to monitor outstanding issues via the Scrutiny Strategy Group and Democratic Services Committee.
  • Team development - Further officers to undertake the ADSO qualification to become accredited Democratic Services Officers.


SA3.2: Democratic participation

  • Current performance: 3
  • Improvement phase: 2

Assessment of current performance (how well are we doing?)

The Welsh Local Government Association called on Councils to commit to becoming ‘Diverse Councils’ in 2022, to provide a clear, public commitment to improving diversity. This was an important step-change for Councils in committing to tasking themselves to reflect more closely the diverse communities they serve and promote becoming an inclusive, progressive organisation. Council signed up to the commitment to become a more Diverse Council in December 2021.

Prior to May 2022, the composition of the Council was not diverse in terms of age and gender profile. 

The make-up of elected Members comprised seven women (11.6%) and 53 men (88.3%). Of the co-opted Members, five were women (35.71%) and nine were men (64.29%).

Age profile for the Council was 1.64% between16-24 on 10 May 2022; nobody between 25-34; 4.92% between 35-44; 18.03% between 45-54; 40.98% between 55-64; 26.23% between 65-74; and 8.20% were over 75.

A Democracy page was set up on the website with relevant information for prospective candidates to assist them understanding the role and signposts provided to other pages e.g. WLGA and IRPW. Also included on the page was the Diversity commitment made by the Council, Remuneration and other allowances available; candidate guides; pen portraits/videos of the day in the life of a Member. Plus, ‘how to get involved’ page to include public participation; have your say; webcasts; scrutiny; MP/SM details.

A number of ‘Be a Councillor’ Events were held to give prospective candidates an insight into the role of a member. These were held online due to Covid restrictions and in-person drop in days were held in March. Around 30 prospective candidates attended the events and the webcast of the online event was published on the democracy page for interested candidates to view. A mentoring group was established for prospective candidates to contact Members on anything they wanted to discuss. Proactive engagement and involvement with local community groups was undertaken via partner organisations supporting and representing under-represented groups on the Events and web pages. In addition the Council worked with Town and Community Councils, local community groups and school governors, governing bodies to promote standing for local government, be it at county or local tier.

All Political Group Leaders and some Unaffiliated Members signed up to the ‘Fair Campaign’ Pledge. This was published on the Democracy web page and handed out to attendees at the drop in sessions.

Following the election 25 new Members were elected. 13 women were elected to the Council giving a female cohort of 22% which is better but could be improved. The Democratic Services Committee supported a target of electing 50% females. So there is some way to go on this. However, there were 19 Members returned unopposed which is the highest number in the history of Pembrokeshire County Council which was disappointing given the work undertaken to promote standing as a Councillor.

The age profile of the Council is younger than the previous cohort and the disabled community has additional representation. Age profile of the new Council is: nobody between 16-24; 10% between 25-34; 10% between 35-44; 18% between 45-54; 40% between 55-64; 13% between 65-74; and 8% are over 75.

Since the pandemic there has been a lack of participation in scrutiny reviews with no questions being submitted or suggestions for topics to consider coming forward. The Democracy webpage provides a ‘how to get involved page’ which includes details on public participation; have your say; webcasts; scrutiny; MP/SM details; etc.

The Elections Team undertook a lot of work to engage with 16-17 years in promoting democratic participation. Work was undertaken with schools and colleges to help young people understand more about the election process and the importance of representation.

A Petition Strategy was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 and approved by Council on 3 March 2022. It is now published on our website.

Hybrid meetings are being rolled out but have been hampered by some significant technical issues. Council in July 2022 was successfully held as a hybrid meeting and Chairs are now more confident in holding meetings as a hybrid option. Fully remote meetings and training have been popular as they provide convenience for Members

Evidence (how do we know?)

Election results 

Democracy web page  

An Equalities and Diversity survey of all Members was undertaken in May 2021. All Members and co-opted Members were surveyed and 61 responses were received.  

Diversity Action Plan agreed by Democratic Services Committee on 16 February 2022 

Petition Strategy 

Improvement actions (what can we do better and how?) 

  • Participation in scrutiny and broadening the democratic agenda – more work to do on promoting what Overview and Scrutiny Committees are doing and how to get involved via social media and sharing links to scrutiny and Democracy web pages.  This will involve working with the Communications team to raise the profile.
  • Development of the Participation Strategy will assist in raising the profile of getting involved in democracy.
  • Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 - ensure fully compliant with the requirements of the Act in terms of promoting democracy.
  • Consider how to use Town and Community Councils more to strengthen participation in democracy.
  • We will continue to monitor the Diversity Action Plan; seek participation from political group leaders to champion diversity expectations within their selection processes earlier in preparation for the 2027 elections; continue developing the Democracy web page as a resource; and commence planning Member Induction early on.
  • Seek participation from political group leaders to champion diversity expectations within their selection


SA3.3: Audit and Governance

  • Current performance: 2
  • Improvement phase: 2

Assessment of current performance (how well are we doing?)

This section looks at Audit and governance systems in the round, but necessarily looks at the work of the Council’s own Internal Audit team. It also comments on the development of a Corporate Governance Improvement Plan which was prompted, in part, by an Audit Wales

Within the year, we set up Governance and Audit Committee (G&A) in line with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections Act. The Act specifies the Terms of Reference for the Committee along with key parameters for its membership, such as (from May 2022): a third of the committee being lay member; a lay chair, and limits on the involvement of Executive members.  Recruitment of lay members was completed in 2021-22.

G&A Committee discussed the Council’s response to reports from regulators. This is a source of assurance that key issues flagged up by regulators (Care Inspectorate Wales, Estyn and Audit Wales) are being considered by the Council. Reports considered in 2021-22 relate to issues identified through the Council’s own risk processes as well as being of wider public interest, for instance dementia, rough sleeping and regenerating town centres.  The Committee also has oversight of business risk, including monitoring of individual departmental risk plans, and financial controls and has oversight of the process for producing the Annual Governance Statement. The 2022-21 AGS will be presented to G&A Committee alongside the self-assessment in September 2022.

The Council’s Internal Audit team is an independent, objective assurance and consulting service which is designed to add value and improve the Council’s operations. Internal Audit helps the Council to achieve its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, internal control, risk management and financial management processes. Each year, an Internal Audit Strategic Plan is developed in accordance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS). The Strategic Internal Audit Plan outlines the approach to audit planning and delivery for the financial year which objectively assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, internal control, risk management and financial management arrangements with the Council. The Head of Internal Audit Annual Assurance Opinion is compiled on the outcome of assurance work undertaken, which is used by the Council to inform its Annual Governance Statement. This was approved by Council in March 2022.

The public rightly has an expectation that the Council will maintain effective internal controls. Though the Head of Internal Audit’s Opinion and report, there is an open and transparent process for highlighting areas where there is only limited assurance (for instance Asset Management and Valuations).  The Opinion gave a reasonable assurance to governance, internal control, risk management and financial management arrangements subject to the commitment to address identified weaknesses. 

The Opinion highlighted the significant workload on the Internal Audit Team as a result of COVID work. In common with many services throughout the Council it has proved challenging to recruit experienced auditors to vacancies. The team, in common with other sections across the Council is addressing this through training up staff.

96% of the Strategic Plan for 2021-22 has been delivered, with 79% of audits completed within planned time. Of the audits undertaken 100% of the post-audit questionnaires returned gave the Internal Audit service a rating of ‘Substantial’, which provides assurance that the work being undertaken is adding value to the Council and its objectives.  Progress on delivering the Strategic Plan is reported quarterly to Governance & Audit Committee.

The team operates as the Regional Internal Audit service to both Swansea Bay City Deal (SBCD) and the Education through Regional Working Consortium (now Partneriaeth). The Internal Audit work also provided assurance to the consortium on governance, internal control, risk management and financial management processes. In addition, the Audit, Risk & Counter Fraud Manager delivered the Head of Internal Audit Opinion to the ERW Joint Committee in April 2022, which was accepted, with the Chief Audit, Risk & Information Officer compiling the Annual Governance Statement for ERW which was delivered by the Director of Resources to the ERW Joint Committee in April 2022. The team will also provide a similar regional role in relation to the newly established South West Corporate Joint Committee.

The team also provided the co-ordination of a series of External Service Reviews which have taken place post-Covid, and the findings of these reviews have been used as a driver for improvement and seeking value for money across Council services, as well as providing an additional source of assurance for the Head of Internal Audit Annual Assurance Opinion. Reports have been considered by the Performance and Budget Challenge Board. The Governance & Audit committee receives updates on the Board’s work and in this way maintains oversight of the external reviews and other key corporate processes such as identifying the efficiency savings that are required to balance the budget.

Approximately 550 complaints have been received by the Council during 2021-22, with 96% of complaints being resolved at Stage 1 (Informal). 71% of the complaints were resolved within the national timescales, with 27% of the complaints falling outside of this period being extended in agreement with the complainant. The remaining 2% were completed within 6 months 

due to the complexity of the complaints.  As at January 2022, 33 complaints had been referred to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, with none of these complaints received during 2021-22 by the Ombudsman being upheld, providing assurance that the Council’s handling of complaints is effective.  One complaint received by the Ombudsman in 2020-21 was discussed by the Governance & Audit Committee in January 2022, with an action plan for addressing recommendations implemented.  

807 requests for Freedom of Information were completed during 2021; 96% processed within timescale. 197 requests were completed from January to March 2022; 96% were processed within timescale. 72 Subject Access Requests were processed during 2021-22.  62 of these have been completed to date, with 46 of these (74%) responded to within timescale. The remaining 10 are awaiting 2nd or 3rd check and 9 of these are overdue.

Responding to external reports regarding the Council’s governance processes

In January 2022, the Council received two reports relating to the departure of the former Chief Executive, one from Auditor General for Wales and the other from the independent consultant that had been commissioned by the Council itself. Both these reports highlighted significant concerns relating to the Council’s governance and decision-making processes. The Auditor General for Wales report was issued in the public interest under section 22 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004.

Separate to this in 2020 and 2021, the Council commissioned a number of reviews designed to inform its improvement activity, including the Corporate and Communications Peer Reviews facilitated by the Local Government Association. The Budget Performance Challenge Board also commissioned a series of service reviews (see above).  In addition, there are commitments in the Annual Governance Statement 20-21 to strengthen corporate governance which remain outstanding, as well as duties pertaining to the Local Government and Elections Act which has recently been introduced.

In order to address the various related governance improvement activities in an integrated and co-ordinated manner, a Corporate Governance Improvement Plan 2022-24 was produced, and which was presented to Governance and Audit Committee on 11 March 2022. This comprehensive plan contains 74 actions and consolidates the range of related governance improvement activity outstanding from the reviews referred to above with those required to respond to the recommendations emerging from the public interest report from Auditor General for Wales and that of the independent consultant. 

The Corporate Governance Improvement Plan 2022-24 is structured using the Good Governance Principles to provide a whole-system view of all outstanding recommendations ensuring they can be addressed at pace in a co-ordinated and coherent 

manner. The Plan identifies the required actions, the recommendations each will address, the intended outcome, along with delivery deadlines and responsible owners. It remains clear which actions have arisen from the Audit Wales findings and allows Governance and Audit Committee, Cabinet and Council clear understanding of the actions and progress made.

Improving corporate governance is critical to the Council’s success both in the short and longer term. Delivery of the Plan will encourage the efficient use of resources, better informed decision making, as well as strengthening accountability for the stewardship of resources. It will also improve organisational leadership, management, and oversight, resulting in more effective interventions and, ultimately, better outcomes. 

Stage 1 of the Target Operating Model review has been completed and this has resulted in a restructure in certain senior management positions, including the addition of a new Assistant Chief Executive post and a new Head of Law and Governance. This has increased senior leadership capacity within the Council to deliver the Corporate Governance Action Plan.

Evidence (how do we know?)

Annual Governance Statement

Agenda for Council on Thursday, 3rd March, 2022, 10.00a.m. - Pembrokeshire County Council

Meeting of Governance and Audit Committee, 11 March 2022, where the Corporate Governance Improvement Plan and the Complaints, Concerns and Compliments update report were discussed:

Agenda for Governance and Audit Committee on Friday, 11th March, 2022, 10.00a.m. - Pembrokeshire County Council

Agendas and minutes of Governance and Audit Committee

Committee details - Governance and Audit Committee - Pembrokeshire County Council

External Service Reviews

Internal Audit Strategic Plan 2021-22 

Meeting of Extraordinary Council on 1 February 2022 at which reports were considered

Agenda for Extraordinary Council on Tuesday, 1st February, 2022, 10.00a.m. - Pembrokeshire County Council

Meeting of Governance and Audit Committee on 11 March 2022 at which Corporate Governance Improvement Plan was approved:

Agenda for Governance and Audit Committee on Friday, 11th March, 2022, 10.00a.m. - Pembrokeshire County Council

Improvement actions (what can we do better and how?)

  • The Corporate Governance Improvement Plan contains 74 actions and can be viewed via the link to the Governance and Audit Committee meeting on 11 March 2022 highlighted above. The Committee will provide assurance of the delivery of actions through progress reports which will be a standing item on the agenda of each meeting. Cabinet and Council will also provide oversight by way of progress reports as appropriate
  • Develop the Internal Audit function further to streamline audit processes to ensure efficient use of time and resource. This will include further data analytic work, ensuring the root cause of issues are identified and streamlining the reporting process further. 
  • Embedding Business Risk Management into the culture of the Council in order to aid decision making processes. This includes providing bespoke risk management training to Members and Officers, as well as ensuring a consistent approach to Business Risk Management. An annual Business Risk Management work plan will be devised highlighting key milestones to be achieved, overseen by the Governance & Audit Committee.
  • Supporting the new Lay Members and newly elected Members of the Governance and Audit Committee in undertaking their duties under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) 2021 Act. 
  • Use the intelligence gleaned from Compliments, Concerns and Complaints to drive corporate improvement year-on-year. Performance measures will be developed and benchmarked across the rest of Wales to support monitoring of effective complaints handling.
  • Use the findings of the External Service Reviews to monitor improvements being made across the Council to strengthen internal control, governance, risk management and financial management processes, utilising these reviews as a source of assurance for the Head of Internal Audit Annual Assurance Opinion.
  • Provide Internal Audit Services to Swansea Bay City Deal, Partneriaeth, and South West Corporate Joint Committee, promoting the professionalism of the service, adding value to the consortiums in order to maintain the levels of income received to support the Audit, Risk & Information Service.
  • Follow-up any recommendations from the external service reviews and the external peer reviews to ensure they have been actioned in order to drive service improvement and to add value to existing processes.
  • Through the Constitutional Review Committee, develop a new Constitution based on the new model Constitution, along with a guide, in line with the Local Government and Elections Act (Wales) 2021


SA3.4: Safeguarding

  • Current performance: 2
  • Improvement phase: 2

Assessment of current performance (how well are we doing?)

Safeguarding remains a key priority of the Council and there is a Whole Authority Safeguarding Group in place which maintains an oversight of practice throughout the organisation, including update of training. The Group is led by a Director and is attended by senior representatives from across authority, including Members. The 2021-22 report was reported to Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in November 2021 and a commitment has been given to report annually to scrutiny.

During the year, Audit Wales followed up its 2019 study (see Evidence). The focus of the report was on corporate arrangements, rather than the day-to-day practice of services that are most likely to encounter safeguarding issue. This Audit Wales report concluded “Overall, we found that the Council has made some progress in addressing our previous proposals for improvement but still needs to strengthen its oversight and assurance arrangements for corporate safeguarding. We have issued further proposals for improvement in this report”. An action plan has been produced and progress will be reported via the next annual plan.

As a partner in the Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board we have made a key contribution towards the following outcomes during 2021 – 22 (see SA4.2 Regional working for context). This includes the voice of children and young people continuing to directly influence the Boards’ priorities, improved public awareness of children and adults who may be at risk via increased social media promotion of key safeguarding messages, improved communication between practitioners, clear plans to support robust staff recruitment and retention practice. Overall, our assessment is that the Wales Safeguarding Procedures have been successfully implemented on a multiagency basis increasing practitioner knowledge and skills for responding to reports for children and adults at risk.

The Care Inspectorate for Wales commented on safeguarding in its Report of Performance Evaluation Inspection in April 2022. The comments are in the context social care pressures and CIW noted vacancies and workload is compromising teams’ capacity. CIW noted some positive aspects of practice such as the authority can respond to immediate safeguarding needs and crisis and strength of children’s Senior Management Team. However, CIW found that there is delay and drift evident in some situations meaning people’s outcomes are not always met in a timely manner. CIW found that opportunities for partnership working are positively exploited at an operational level, and singled Team Around the Family being an effective conduit between schools and the local authority and partners. CIW found the voice of the person and their views (a key consideration in the Social Services and Well-being Act) in the safeguarding context are generally well represented.

CIW recommended that we should ensure adequate resources are available to manage adult safeguarding activity.  CIW were clear that strategy meetings and conferences should be held as CIW see these as key elements of safeguarding procedures

Our Adult Services Annual Statistical Return to Welsh Government highlighted:

Safeguarding referrals

  • 20/21 1,173
  • 21/22  2,638  

Safeguarding enquiries

  • 20/21 738
  • 21/22 772  with 603 being led by PCC of which 526  or 87% were completed within the required 7 day timescale

Evidence (how do we know?)

Reports on regional safeguarding of adults and children can be found on the following link

The follow up report of Audit Wales’ report on safeguarding arrangements (Jan 2022) is below

The Care Inspectorate Wales inspection report (fieldwork March and April 2022)

Improvement actions (what can we do better and how?)

The recent inspection by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) highlighted significant waiting lists for assessment and review. The inspection also highlighted the increasing complexity of work/ caseloads within Adult Services Teams, and they recommended investment in additional staffing in terms of both assessment (Social work) capacity and in direct care provision, and will be monitoring that this recommendation is acted upon in a timely manner.

Specific actions proposed within the Social Care Adult Services Medium Term Financial Plan 2022 - 23 include:

  • Further development of MCA / DoLS team 22-23
  • Transition from DoLS to LPS 23-24
  • A revised workforce structure that reflects the increased demands on the service.
  • Recruitment and retention of suitable workforce to deliver social care. We have excellent arrangements for ‘growing our own’ in terms of social workers, with opportunities given each year to internal staff to access traineeships to further their careers in social care. We are hoping to expand the number of trainee posts we can offer with a proposal submitted to Welsh Government via the RIF programme, facilitated via the Regional Partnership Board (RPB). We also want to increase social work capacity in Children with Disabilities, Family Placement, Child Care Assessment and Adult Safeguarding Teams#
  • Upgraded case management IT system


ID: 9644, revised 08/03/2023