Annual Report of the Statutory Director of Social Services 2023

Directors Summary of Performance

In this section I provide an overview of our performance during the year 2022/23.  During 2020/21 the Welsh Government introduced a new code of practice in relation to the performance and improvement of social care services in Wales.  I have included some of these new measures to provide some information on how we performed during the year.  I have provided a comparison on the previous year so we can identify if performance has improved or declined. Regular review of data by our tactical response teams enables us to instigate mitigating actions to minimise the impacts of demand and workforce shortages on our service users. 

We continue to provide Welsh Government with regular data updates so that they can closely monitor demand for services and workforce pressures across Wales.

Adult Care Performance 2022/23

Children's Performance Reporting 2022/23

Regulatory Inspection Care Inspectorate Wales

Audit Wales

ID: 9543, revised 19/10/2023