Regional working
Pembrokeshire’s PSB already works closely with our neighbouring PSBs in Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion on joint priorities and this is something that we will continue to do. Although Pembrokeshire’s focus for this Well-being Plan is on issues directly within its remit and areas where it is able to influence and add value, we will continue to have a ‘line of sight’ to other cross-cutting issues, particularly in relation to priorities within health and social care in the following areas;
The move towards a more Social Model of Health and Well-being is built on the understanding that the treatment and management of health conditions contributes to less than 20% of population health and well-being, with social determinants together having the majority of impact on the health and well-being of citizens and communities.
Work on a social model of health and well-being was initiated by Hywel Dda Health Board in 2021. Areas of suggested focus include targeting those most affected by inequality, with a view to prioritising the future generation though their families, working with communities on what is important to them, developing leadership capacity in communities, and identifying ways that promote community ownership. Activity is in the initial stages of development but it is proposed that work will build on and contribute to projects within the PSB’s Well-being Plan, and it is hoped that this will evolve into broader actions over the next 5 years.
The Healthier Pembrokeshire Strategic Group operates is aligned to the West Wales Regional Partnership Board (RPB), Hywel Dda UHB and Pembrokeshire County Council with a remit to deliver the principles of the Social Services and Well-being Act 2014 (the Act), The Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) and A Healthier Wales. The group will lead and develop an integrated plan which addresses the health, care and well-being needs of the whole population of Pembrokeshire based around a set of shared and common ambitions for improving outcomes and experience. Following a period of review and reflection based on a range of information, including the Pembrokeshire Well-being Assessment, the top three population need priorities for health and social care for the coming 1-3 years are:
Market Stability – this includes workforce constraints, domiciliary care capacity, care home capacity, sustainability of GP practices and children’s homes & fostering
Older People/Frailty– this includes response to the largest proportion of the population aged over 65 years at 26%, under recognition & diagnosis of Dementia, chronic condition prevalence, proactive management of the older / frail patient and the needs of carers / respite / support
Mental Health & Well-being – this includes the impact following the pandemic across all ages and social isolation
The Regional Preventions Board also operates as a sub-group of the West Wales Regional Partnership Board (RPB). The group is currently focused on prevention within the following areas and on supporting continuous engagement in the region;
- Community based care – Prevention and community coordination Model of Care
- The Emotional Health and Well-being Model of Care
- The activity of the Innovations Forum (the social value forum for the Region)
The PSB will contribute to this work where there are clear links to projects within our Well-being Plan and to prevention in the following areas;
- Place-based approaches to addressing health inequality
- Healthy eating and healthy weight
- Health improvement linked to community engagement and activities to support strong communities
- The role of green spaces in supporting wellbeing
- An asset-based approach to supporting community capacity and capability