Core principles
In our first Plan, the PSB identified guiding principles that enabled the PSB to work differently; they shaped the Well-being Plan and set the direction for us to continue to improve our knowledge around the strengths, assets and well-being of our communities. A lot has changed since we published our last Plan and we want to be ambitious in the way we approach and deliver our new Plan, so our guiding principles have become our core principles, and will be the foundation of how we work over the next five years. The PSB will continue to be committed to challenging existing culture and behaviours so we truly work differently and develop new approaches to delivering services and sharing resources. Our core principles are:
Providing Leadership:
The PSB will support Pembrokeshire through the collective assets, resources and skills of partner organisations. The PSB recognises its unique position for positive influence and the opportunities we have as major employers with a considerable number of employees in the county (roughly a quarter of those employed) working in PSB partner organisations. We will lead by example in demonstrating our commitment to the Well-being Plan in the changes we make to our working practices as organisations and through the support we offer to our employees.
Building Relationships:
Through continuous engagement with our communities and by exploring what matters to people, we will seek to understand and transform well-being in Pembrokeshire. Our aim is also to build on old relationships as well as building new ones to support the PSB in delivering our Well-being Plan and to influence and add value to the work we do.
Pooling collective resources:
Whether these resources are in the form of time, expertise or funding, through pooling our collective resources wherever possible, we will demonstrate our commitment to delivering our Objectives and our shared responsibility for delivery of the Well-being Plan.
People connecting with each other, and how they connect with each other, was a theme raised in our recent consultations on both the Well-being Assessment and Objectives. This theme of connection runs through our Objectives and is something that we will aim to promote and encourage through the delivery of our Plan.
Dealing with emerging issues:
Our experiences of delivering services throughout the Covid pandemic has shown us that we have the ability to work differently, and work together differently, when unexpected issues arise. We value the learning we gained and will apply this to addressing any new and emerging issues where working together can add value and strengthen outcomes.
Sustainable Development:
The Sustainable Development Principle and 5 ways of working are integral to the PSB’s work. This means that everything we do is considered in terms of integration, collaboration, involvement, prevention and the long term to ensure that we deliver what we need to today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Culture and the Welsh Language
It is implicit in many of the project areas within the Plan that there will be indirect positive benefits on the culture of Pembrokeshire, for example, in protecting the natural environment and heritage of the County through steps to mitigate against climate change. We will engage with Welsh speaking communities in Welsh and acknowledge that ongoing delivery planning will be shaped by local, regional and national plans and strategies, including Cymraeg 2050. The PSB will ensure that the vision of the Cymraeg 2050 strategy – to increase the number of Welsh speakers, increase the use of Welsh and create favourable conditions within infrastructure and context for the use of the Welsh language – is embedded in its work wherever possible.
Aligning activity with other important plans & strategies:
The Well-being Plan and our ongoing delivery planning will be shaped by local, regional and national plans and strategies, such as the West Wales Care Partnership Area Plan, Local Development Plan and Area Statements. There are also a number of other partnerships and boards operating locally with various remits around improving well-being in specific areas, for example, the Safer Pembrokeshire Community Safety Partnership and the Pembrokeshire Economic Ambition Board. We will align activity where appropriate with these plans, strategies and partnerships and ensure that efforts are not duplicated. Further detail on regional working can be found on the next page.