Pembrokeshire's first Well-being Plan
In our first Well-being Plan, we identified two broad high level Well-being Objectives to be the focus of our Plan and to act as the framework through which the PSB could prioritise their key areas of work. For each of these objectives we identified a further four priority areas, which identified the key issues in the County. We then identified a further eight projects which cut across traditional thematic boundaries, enabling us to work in a more integrated way and recognising the interconnectedness of well-being in all its forms.
Our Annual Report for 2021-22 describes our progress over the last five years in meeting these objectives, and outlines what we delivered, and whether we met our timescales for delivery. The learning from our first Well-being Plan, specifically with regard to the following areas, has informed how we approached the development of our Well-being Plan for 2023-28;
- being more realistic in terms of goals and actions
- taking a ‘less is more’ approach to maximise our effectiveness within the resources that we have access to
- that the PSB should focus on an enabling role rather than being directly responsible for delivery
In undertaking our Well-being Assessment and in developing our second Well-being Plan it has become apparent that many of the issues identified within our first Plan remain. This is not surprising as many are issues, which, by their nature, are long-term problems that will take time to address. Throughout the process of developing this draft Well-being Plan, we have made sure that these enduring issues are acknowledged through the action we plan to take.