Well-being Plan for Pembrokeshire
I am pleased to introduce Pembrokeshire Public Services Board’s (PSB) Well-being Plan. This is our second Well-being Plan and reflects the requirements and expectations set out in the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015.
The Act requires each local authority area in Wales to establish a PSB and places a collective ‘well-being duty’ on each Board. This means that through working together - and differently - public, private and voluntary sector partners are required to produce a Plan which sets out how we will improve the well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire, now and in the future.
As you will see in the plan, the PSB has identified a number of priorities, and a range of short, medium and long-term actions it will take to improve well-being in Pembrokeshire. It is important to understand that the PSB’s focus is on areas where working in partnership will have the greatest impact and where our collective influence adds value above and beyond what we already do as individual organisations and therefore you may not see some issues reflected in the Plan because of this.
A range of stakeholders and residents have played an important role in the development of this Plan and on behalf of the PSB, I would like to thank all those who took the time to contribute to the process. We would like to build on the work we have done to date to involve more people in our work and are keen that this is only the beginning of an ongoing conversation between the PSB and the communities we serve.
The objectives and actions outlined in this Plan reflect the evidence we gathered as part of our Well-being Assessment. Whilst we recognise that we can always do more to improve the well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire, in this Plan we have chosen to focus on the areas where we think our work can have the most impact. We therefore welcome your comments on our Plan and the areas of focus for the next few years.
Cllr. Neil Prior - Chair, Pembrokeshire Public Services Board