Well-being plan for Pembrokeshire

Project Plan: Strengthening Communities

Project background

Communities give us a sense of connection and belonging.  Our communities have played a pivotal role in the introduction of new initiatives and new ways of working with traditional service providers as a result of the Covid pandemic. Our communities also have skills and assets that can be mobilised for public benefit, working in equal partnership with both the public and private sectors. Building on the work undertaken as part of our first Well-being Plan, our aim now is for all PSB partners is to have a stronger focus on strengthening our communities, on enabling them to become more resourceful and on working alongside local people on the things that matter most to their communities.

Public services are stretched and there are increasing demands on and concerns about funding. By utilising the untapped potential in communities, and balancing long term aims against short term challenges, public sector partners have an opportunity to work more effectively in collaboration rather than in competition with our communities. This will have a positive long term effect but requires a commitment from all PSB partners to support and invest in communities as equal partners in the delivery and transformation of public services.

PSB members will need to stand firm in the face of reducing budgets and rising demand and make resources available that unlock the potential of communities to help address short-term challenges as well as achieving longer-term well-being objectives.

PSB members will work collaboratively, sharing expertise and removing barriers to progress, with the shared aim of supporting Pembrokeshire’s communities to become even more active, resourceful, connected, sustainable, and creative.


Headline actions and sub-actions, including timescale for delivery

Outputs: What will be delivered?

Outcomes – What will be achieved? What will change?

Which of the PSB’s Well-being Objectives does this work contribute to and how?

Which of the following Well-being Goals and Well-being areas does this project contribute to? 

How does this project align with the five ways of working?


Headline actions and sub-actions, including timescale for delivery


Headline action: Build a better understanding of our bilingual communities using data and local insights to develop an evidence base to inform future PSB work

  • Create community profiles
  • Support the development of Community Well-being Plans, addressing all determinants of well-being
  • Develop a strong evidence base to inform future priorities and investment
  • Develop mechanisms for PSB partners and relevant stakeholders to collaborate

TimescaleShort term (6 months to 2 years)


Headline action: Increase engagement and involvement across Pembrokeshire’s communities

  • Encourage and enable people to volunteer their skills, knowledge and experience
  • Increase participation in and understanding of local democratic bodies and partnership Boards and Committees
  • Support meaningful involvement of all people, including those who are hard to reach, in local decision-making that positively challenges traditional power dynamics

Timescale: Medium term (1 to 5 years)


Headline action: Build the confidence, capacity and capability of communities

  • Work with communities as equal partners to help address wider challenges facing society (e.g. climate change and poverty)
  • Work together as partners to pool and focus resources towards sustainable investment in communities
  • Help to equip communities with the skills and assets they need to achieve local goals

Timescale: Longer term (5 Years and beyond)


Outputs: What will be delivered?

  • Development of community profiles and Community Well-being Plans to inform future PSB work
  • Growth in the number of community change activists who contribute positively and consistently to developing their communities
  • Development of a resource to showcase the work of communities and share learning and ideas


Outcomes – What will be achieved? What will change?

  • Communities are more confident to take ownership of assets transferred from partners
  • Communities are able todemonstrate their development through their achievements
  • Communities are able to use their skills to influence change in their local areas
  • PSB partners demonstrate their commitment to pooling resources


Which of the PSB’s Well-being Objectives does this work contribute to and how?


Well-being Objective 1

Support growth, jobs and prosperity and enable the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy

  • Communities will be enabled to take on community assets and set up social enterprises that will provide local jobs, including supported employment opportunities. Through volunteering, individuals can develop skills and experience that will help them gain employment.

Well-being Objective 2

Work with our communities to reduce inequalities and improve well-being

  • Gaining a better understanding of our communities and their needs through the collation of local data and insights will enable PSB partners and relevant stakeholders to become more informed about how they can support and work alongside them to provide solutions to the issues that matter.

Well-being Objective 3

Promote and support initiatives to deliver decarbonisation, manage climate adaptation and tackle the nature emergency

  • Working with communities at risk of experiencing the effects of climate change and the nature emergency and supporting them to seek out appropriate resources will empower them to assist in the development of solutions that best suit the issues they face. 

Well-being Objective 4

Enable safe, connected, resourceful and diverse communities

  • Work to develop community profiles and community Well-being Plans, to increase the number of people volunteering their skills, expertise and experience and to increase participation will enable communities to become more connected, resourceful and diverse


Which of the following Well-being Goals and Well-being areas does this project contribute to? 


Well-being areas

  • Environmental
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Cultural

Well-being goals

prosperous wales - lightbulb a prosperous Wales

resilient Wales - plant growth a resilient Wales

healthier wales - head and heart a healthier Wales

equal Wales - scales a more equal Wales

cohesive communities - group of people a Wales of cohesive communities

vibrant culture - book a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language

global - globe in hand a globally responsible Wales



How does this project align with the five ways of working?

long term - binoculars


Long-term: The importance of balancing short-term needs with the needs to safeguard the ability to also meet long-term needs

  • The Strengthening Communities programme aims to co-produce solutions to short-term challenges by unlocking community power & resources, as well as developing a sustainable community infrastructure that will deliver long-term benefits and improve individual and community wellbeing for future generations

prevention - hand

Prevention: How acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse may help public bodies meet their objectives

  • The vision for preventions in Pembrokeshire includes the creation of active, resourceful, connected, sustainable & kind communities. The Strengthening Communities programme aims to build a sustainable community infrastructure through which this vision can be realised. The programme is designed to be both preventative and proactive.

integration - jigsaw

Integration: Considering how the public body’s well-being objectives may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on their objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies

  • This project contributes to meeting all of our Well-being Objectives and six of the Well-being Goals and the actions will integrate across multiple public services

collaboration - hands

Collaboration: Acting in collaboration with any other person (or different parts of the body itself) that could help the body to meet its well-being objectives

  • The Strengthening Communities programme is based on a collaborative approach, with PSB partners working in equal partnership with communities and the private sector for public benefit and the improvement of community and individual well-being.

involvement - two people

Involvement: The importance of involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals, and ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of the area which the body serves

  • Engagement and involvement of local people is at the heart of the Strengthening Communities programme. PSB partners will work together to ensure that opportunities for involvement are promoted in ways that are accessible and inclusive, using established networks and third sector organisations to support the involvement of people who are at risk of being under-represented and/or excluded.
ID: 9763, revised 12/08/2024