Well-being Plan
Well-being plan for Pembrokeshire
One of the key statutory functions of the PSB under the Well-being of Future Generations Act is to produce a Well-being Plan. The Well-being Plan sets out how the PSB will work together to improve the well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire, now and in the future.
The Well-being Plan represents the additional value that can be delivered through working innovatively and collaboratively as partners. It does not replace the core services of the individual organisations nor is its purpose to simply reflect the good work already being undertaken by individual partners.
This is Pembrokeshire’s second Plan and sets out how public and private sector partners will work together to improve economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in Pembrokeshire through joint working across three specific project areas;
- Reducing poverty and inequalities
- Strengthening communities
- Tackling climate change and the nature emergency
Project groups have been set up to deliver activity in each of the three areas and will report regularly to PSB meetings on progress. The PSB is committed to putting engagement at the heart of delivery of the Plan and involving people in areas of work that affect them.
If you have any comments or queries on the Well-being Plan or PSB working in general, please contact:
Nick Evans
Corporate Policy and Partnerships Manager
Pembrokeshire County Council
County Hall
SA61 1TP
Tel: 01437 775858
Email: nicholas.evans@pembrokeshire.gov.uk