Poverty Group
The Poverty Group is responsible for delivering the Poverty and Inequalities elements of the PSB’s Well-being Plan. The group have produced an evidence-based strategy, Tackling Poverty: Our Strategy 2023.
When developing the poverty strategy for Pembrokeshire, the group looked at the main issues that people in our County face when experiencing hardship, and tried to identify ways that people can support themselves into better circumstances. As well as capturing the expertise of professionals with experience of working in this area, people with first-hand experience of poverty were involved in developing the strategy.
The strategy seeks to give poverty prevention and reduction the focus it truly needs and asks for a wide range of organisations to commit long-term to assisting local people in need. It also offers a clear vision of the priorities needed to address poverty, and outlines the actions that will be taken collectively in response. It will play a crucial role in aligning the efforts of the Public Services Board, the Local Authority, and wider partners to ensure a joined up approach, as well as keeping those in need at the heart of every decision made.
The strategy will be reviewed annually so that we can assess overall progress and to ensure that the focus remains on identifying the most effective ways to address hardship in our County.
In February 2024 Pembrokeshire’s first Tackling Poverty Summit was held at Pembrokeshire College. The event brought together a cross section of professionals and local leaders from a variety of organisations, alongside PSB members, to explore solutions to alleviating poverty in the local area. Attendees at the event also heard from a number of speakers directly involved in this work, from organisations including the Bevan Foundation and National Energy Action.
This video provides an introduction to the work of the PSB and explains how by working together with communities, the PSB hopes to make a difference to the lives of people living in Pembrokeshire.
Pembrokeshire Public Services Board (opens in a new tab)