Well-being Assessment
The Well-being Assessment is a statutory requirement under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and its purpose is to set out what is important to people and communities in Pembrokeshire in terms of well-being.
The findings from the Well-being Assessment will be used by the PSB to identify and plan the collective actions it will take to improve well-being in Pembrokeshire now and in the future.
Well-being Assessment 2022
Pembrokeshire’s second Well-being Assessment Well-being Assessment was approved by the PSB in March 2022. The Assessment looked at the key issues for people and communities in Pembrokeshire through analysis of key data, information sources and research, engagement with citizens and stakeholders, and consideration of future trends. An Executive Summary of the assessment has also been produced, that provides a summary of the main findings.
Well-being Assessments are an important step in the process of preparing Well-being Plans and provide the evidence base for PSBs to identify and prioritise actions for the next five years.