The Team


Name: Steve Keating
Job role: Sustainable Development & Energy Manager
Company: Pembrokeshire County Council

PCC are committed to continued collaboration with experts from the private and 3rd sectors, the Public Services Board and Swansea Bay City Deal partners to develop opportunities to decarbonize. The Milford Haven : Energy Kingdom (MH:EK) project is a result of the expansion of our work with Port of Milford Haven and Welsh Government which since 2015 has sought to champion decarbonisation to help Pembrokeshire transition to a renewable energy economy.Steve is tasked with the decarbonisation of the Council’s estate and assets. Having already reduced CO2 emissions from fuels used in over 300 non-domestic council buildings by 45% we are developing a clear plan for a route towards being a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. This approach, backed by full Council in July 2019 following the declaration of a Climate Emergency, seeks to expand the decarbonisation efforts in heating, transport, electricity systems and infrastructure. 



Name: David Wallace
Job role: Senior Strategy Manager
Company: Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

David joined the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in 2015 as Senior Strategy Manager, with responsibility for strategic planning, government engagement and strategic initiatives.
David has broad experience of the energy sector including roles with the UK Government, the International Energy Agency and in US agencies, ranging from R&D, to policy and programme development and management. He has pursued research and analysis into linkages between innovation and environmental policies and authored two books on the subject while at Chatham House.
In the private sector he has had roles from capital formation to marketing in start-up ventures, and from conceptual design to commissioning in major project delivery, across a range of clean energy technologies including solar pV, solar thermal, energy storage, biofuels, fuel cells and energy efficiency.


Name: Tam Bardell
Job role: Energy Development Manager
Company: Port of Milford Haven

The Port of Milford Haven is known as the UK's largest energy port and can deliver 30% of the UK gas demand. Sustainability forms one of our core objectives and is a key component of our mission to build the havens prosperity.
Tam is the Energy Development Manager responsible for energy efficiency, smart and energy innovation projects and renewable energy deployment. Projects are both internal and external facing. Internal projects are focused on reducing the Ports own carbon footprint through efficiency measures such as LED lighting, insulation renewable heat and smart metering. External projects are focused on innovation. For example, the piSCES project is developing innovative software to reduce energy overheads and has established a pioneering smart energy cluster to share renewable energy between users. In the Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom project the port is demonstrating innovative hydrogen heating, vehicles and refuelling infrastructure. The port is also playing a key role in the South Wales Industrial Cluster roadmap and deployment projects as they gain momentum. Tam's background is in energy surveying and installing renewable energy technologies.



Name: Oliver Lancaster BSc MSc FGS EngTech FIGEM
Job role: Net Zero Relationship Manager
Company: Wales & West Utilities

Oliver Lancaster is the Net Zero Relationship Manager for Wales & West Utilities and is working to deliver an affordable, secure and decarbonised energy system across heat, power, transport and industrial sectors – with the gas network being net zero-ready by 2035 to supply green gases like hydrogen and biomethane to meet demand. Oliver recently managed the Freedom Project for the gas sector – a large scale demonstration trial of smart hybrid heating systems in South Wales which showed their valuable role across the energy system up to and beyond 2050. Oliver is involved in a wide range of whole energy system projects, including Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom, South Wales Industrial Cluster, HyCompact, HyHy, Tools of Engagement and Gas Goes Green.



Name: Alan Thomson
Job role: Global Energy Business Leader
Company: Arup

Alan leads the global energy business at Arup working closely with colleagues around the world to deliver complex integrated energy projects in supply, network and demand applications.
He has extensive understanding of the system implications of multiple energy vector production, networks, storage together with a similar understanding of sector coupling between energy and other parts of the built environment. He is a keen advocate of a rounded approach to energy resilience, encompassing leadership & strategy, economy & society and Infrastructure & Ecosystems as key components of a resilient system.
His experience includes the delivery of major power generation assets, transmission network improvement, energy storage and demand side projects, including microgrids, ‘Smart Ready Buildings’ and energy efficiency retrofit. He has a keen involvement in the management of legacy assets, decarbonised mobility and hydrogen. Above all he is keen to optimize the overall integrated energy system recognizing the importance of balanced technical, commercial and behavioural solutions.
Alan is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.



Name: Frank Bridge
Job role: Project Manager
Company: Energy Systems Catapult

Energy Systems Catapult was set up to accelerate the transformation of the UK’s energy system and ensure UK businesses and consumers capture the opportunities of clean growth. The Catapult is an independent, not-for-profit centre of excellence that bridges the gap between industry, government, academia and research. We take a whole-systems view of the energy sector, helping us to identify and address innovation priorities and market barriers, in order to decarbonise the energy system at the lowest cost.

Frank has 20 years’ experience in Engineering and Project Management across the Defence, Civil Aero and Energy Industries and is a keen supporter to transition the UK to net zero. Roles at the ESC include the Management of numerous interrelated projects within the Systems Integration team spanning hydrogen, electricity and other energy vectors. Project supported have incorporated various disciplines including systems architecting, business modelling, power systems, systems engineering and software modelling.




ID: 7800, revised 06/06/2022