Substance Misuse, Alcohol and other drugs

Social Care Assessments

Who are we?

We are a team of Social Workers and Intervention Workers, working alongside health professionals as Pembrokeshire Community Drug & Alcohol Team.

Who can we help?

We work with people aged 18 and over, who are:

  • Living or registered as homeless in Pembrokeshire.
  • Are experiencing problems associated with their drug and/or alcohol use.
  • Are unable to address these problems independently.
  • We also work with carers looking after someone with a drug and/or alcohol problem.

This can include assisting:

  • a person who is experiencing social isolation
  • or significant problems living in the community
  • or having difficulty caring for themselves.
  • a person whose children are subject to or at risk of being subject to Safeguarding Children or Care Proceedings
  • a person whose caring role or the role of their carer is at risk of breaking down
  • a person experiencing homelessness
  • a person experiencing significant debt or financial problems
  • a person experiencing significant family relationship problems
  • a person subject to Adult Safeguarding procedures

What do we do?

If you are referred to the team, you will be offered an assessment of your needs, which, will be carried out by a qualified Social Worker.

As well as, talking to you, family members or friends that you have asked us to talk to, the assessment will usually require a discussion with other professionals involved in your care, such as your GP or Housing Officer. It may also involve a review of any records that other services hold in relation to you.

You will be asked prior to the assessment to sign a ‘Consent to Disclosure’ which is an agreement to our requesting this information.

  • the assessment will consider what is going well for you, as well as, what is not going so well
  • the assessment will help you to identify outcomes that you would like to achieve and that are important to you

Following your assessment, we will agree a plan of care and support with you and support you in achieving your outcomes.

You will be asked to sign your care and support plan to confirm this.

A Social Worker will oversee your care and support plan and an Intervention Worker will help you to access:

  • professionals
  • services and activities that have been identified that may assist you.

An Intervention Worker will also assist you to accurately report your alcohol and other drugs and to work toward achieving the outcomes agreed with you. 

Your Social Worker will review your care and support plan periodically, with the aim that you achieve the outcomes we have agreed with you, so your independence increases, and you no longer require our assistance.

Please let us know if you require your assessment to be carried out in Welsh, or if you require a translator, if you have a different first language.


The information you give us, or others, give us on your behalf, is personal.

We respect this and make sure confidential information is held securely, remains private, is only used to help us arrange the services, support and assistance that you need.

Your information will be held on the Pembrokeshire County Council computer system.

On occasions we may be asked to share information with other professionals, however, this would normally only be disclosed with your permission in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

There are some occasions when we are legally required to disclose information without your consent.

The ‘Consent to Disclosure’ that you will be asked to sign at your assessment, will confirm that confidentiality will be breached, if we become aware that you intend to cause harm to yourself, or others, or if someone is harming you.

Confidentially will also be breached if:

  • an adult/child care social worker is investigating the welfare of you/your children
  • an adult/child care social worker is investigating the welfare of a vulnerable adult/child you are having contact with
  • we will advise you when this happens, unless we consider that doing so would increase the risk to you or someone else.

Drug and Alcohol use

We take your safety and that of the team very seriously.

We do not consider someone able to fully consent to our involvement whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

We recognise that when someone is physically dependent on alcohol they may need to have a drink prior to appointments, however, should we consider you to have had too much to drink, for our work together to be safe for you, or for us, your appointment will be rearranged.

If you are not physically dependent on alcohol, we ask that you attend your appointments alcohol and drug free.

We will ask you if you have used drugs or had a drink prior to the appointment, if you have, it will be rearranged.

Taking prescribed medication will not affect our work together.

Your Intervention Worker will help you to deal with any anxiety you experience in social situations, that you have previously used drugs or alcohol to manage.

How to make a referral

If you, or someone you care for, already has a worker with substance misuse services in Pembrokeshire, and you would like a social care assessment, then you can ask your worker to request this on your behalf.

If you, or someone you care for, do not have a worker, with substance misuse services in Pembrokeshire.  You can ring Dyfed Drug & Alcohol Services (DDAS) on 03303 639997 and request an initial assessment, which, will usually be offered within 10 working days.

You can also request a social care assessment at this Initial Assessment if you would like one.

Barod Choices

If you are under 18 you can access free drugs and alcohol support from Barod Choices.

Barod Choices service offers:

  • support
  • preventative/harm reduction information
  • therapeutic and practical help for children, young people and families with their use of drugs and alcohol.

You can contact them on 01554 755779

Need further advice?

If you are not sure what to do or need further advice, you can contact social care through our contact centre on 01437 764551 and ask to speak to the duty officer.

Useful Numbers

Dan 24/7- Wales Drug & Alcohol Helpline 0800 808 2234

Advocacy Support 0800 206 1387

Complaints, Comments and Compliments

We welcome your ideas and comments.

If you have any views good or bad in relation to your contact with the team, please let us know.

You will be given a leaflet at your assessment, which confirms Pembrokeshire County Council’s complaints, compliments and comments procedure.

You can contact the complaints officer directly on 01437 775303 or

If you are not happy with our service or support, we are offering you. We would be grateful for the opportunity to talk through the issues/concerns to resolve these with you first.

ID: 8777, revised 01/06/2023