European Unit

Objective One

Pembrokeshire County Council provided the secretariat to the Pembrokeshire Partnership Management Board (PPMB), the body that oversaw Objective 1 funding in the County. The County Council's European unit offered an information service to organisations wishing to obtain money from Objective 1. The team managed European Structural Funds for Pembrokeshire County Council's own projects as well as providing European policy advice to elected members and officers.

Between 2000 and 2006 Pembrokeshire benefited from an investment of over £100 million as a result of European Objective 1 funding. It contributed to the success of many different schemes ranging from pioneering transport ideas to providing grants and support to local businesses and community projects and many more.

For our Objective 1 colour brochure or our annual reports please contact Helen Ross

ID: 2364, revised 22/02/2023