European Unit

Approved Projects 2014-2020

CYNNYDD is led by Pembrokeshire County Council to help young people between the ages of 11 – 24, who are identified as being at great risk of disengaging from education and training and becoming NEET in Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. Specific activities and interventions are required to be delivered to these identified learners/young people, including mentoring, coaching, counselling and courses to increase basic skills and life skills as well as work experience and volunteering opportunities to help improve future job and career prospects. Cynnydd is part funded by the European Social Fund, through the Welsh Government.

  • New Directions is led by Pembrokeshire County Council for Economically inactive aged 50+                                                       
  • Experience 4 Industry is led by Pembrokeshire County Council for NEET aged 16 – 24                                                                          
  • Workways + is led by Pembrokeshire County Council for Unemployed / economically inactive
  • BUCANIER is led by Pembrokeshire County Council in partnership with Welsh and Irish organisations, BUCANIER provides specialist innovation support to help small and medium sized businesses and social enterprises design and develop new products and services in the renewable energy, food and drink and life science sectors.
  • Cleddau to Coast Fisheries Local Action Group (C2C FLAG) is led by Pembrokeshire County Council to add value to fishery and aquaculture products, reduce the cost of production of fishery and aquaculture products. To diversify the income of fishing communities, to benefit target species, to raise the profile of Fishing in Pembrokeshire. Supporting sustainable development of Pembrokeshire’s fishing communities
  • Cam Nesa is led by Pembrokeshire County Council, the scheme is providing tailored support to help young people across South West Wales improve their career prospects. It offers one to one mentoring, help with basic and personal skills as well as digital literacy, so young people are able to gain qualifications, enter further education and secure employment.                              
  • Play Scolton Manor is a Tourism & Leisure project.
  • Withybush Food Park looks at Infrastructure Food businesses.                                                                                              
  • Flagship Heritage Attraction: Tourism & Leisure Feasibility & Delivery Plan.
  • Haverfordwest Food Emporium Town Centre Regeneration.
  • Experience 4 Industry (Phase 2) 2018 NEET aged 16 – 24


European Maritime and Fisheries Fund European Structural and Investment Funds

European Regional Development Fund

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

ID: 2367, revised 07/02/2023