Corporate Strategy 2023-2028

Vision Statement

Our vision as a Council is 'working together, improving lives'. This concisely sets out what it means to work for Pembrokeshire County Council and provides our core purpose as an organisation.

Cabinet’s Programme for Administration establishes a longer term vision for what we want Pembrokeshire to be like now and in the future for our communities, places and people:

  • Pembrokeshire is a great place to live, work and visit
  • Our young people and learners receive high quality education
  • Vulnerable people receive care and support through their life cycle
  • Appropriate housing is available, accessible and affordable
  • Pembrokeshire is a net zero carbon County, leading the way in green and blue energy renewables
  • Fewer families and households experience poverty and inequality
  • Our communities are active and thriving
  • We make a positive difference for future generations through the things we do today

As an organisation our work is aligned with and contributes to the delivery of the overarching Well-being Plan for Pembrokeshire, which will be published by Pembrokeshire Public Services Board (PSB) in May 2023. The PSB is a strategic partnership established under the Well-being of Future Generations Act and is comprised of representatives from key organisations from the public, private and third sectors in the County. 

The PSB has a collective duty to improve the economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire.  As one of the statutory partners of the PSB, the Council has a key leadership role to play in the work of the partnership. As such, the Council is also committed to the PSB’s vision for Pembrokeshire and the well-being objectives it has established to form the framework for its Well-being Plan. The PSB’s vision is to:

Unlock the power and potential of Pembrokeshire’s people and communities so that our people are happy, healthy and live well, our communities are kind, safe, resourceful and vibrant, our economy is green and thriving, and our environment is protected and enhanced.

The PSB’s Well-being Objectives are to:

  • Support growth, jobs and prosperity and enable the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy
  • Work with our communities to reduce inequalities and improve well-being
  • Promote and support initiatives to deliver decarbonisation, manage climate adaptation and tackle the nature emergency
  • Enable safe, connected, resourceful and diverse communities
ID: 10899, revised 06/10/2023