Corporate Strategy 2023-2028

Reducing Poverty

A9- We will develop a strategy to reduce poverty and inequality

Contribution to national well-being goals

We consider that our reducing poverty well-being objective will make a particular contribution to the following national well-being goals:

  • A prosperous Wales.
  • A healthier Wales.
  • A more equal Wales.
  • A Wales of cohesive communities.


  • We have a duty under the Equality Act to consider the impact of our decisions on socio-economic disadvantage.  This duty is particularly relevant to Pembrokeshire (see Pembrokeshire in Context) due to our high poverty rates.
  • A multi-agency poverty working group has been established as a sub-group of the Pembrokeshire Public Services Board, following a review of data revealing unacceptable levels of child poverty in the County.
  • The current cost of living crisis reinforces the need to focus on poverty.

What we are going to do

Develop and implement a strategy to reduce poverty and enhance prosperity.
  • Play a lead role in the PSB’s approach to tackling high levels of poverty in the County through the multi-agency poverty working group.
Education has often been cited as the best way out of poverty especially generational cycles of poverty.  We will enable every learner, regardless of their background, to become the best they can be.
  • Further challenge and support schools and partners to improve educational outcomes for pupils at risk of under achievement, in particular, looked after children, pupils from low-income families, pupils with English as a second language and those pupils with Additional Learning Needs.
  • Extend Universal free school meals to all primary learners by Sept 2023.
  • Expand our Flying Start offer to Fishguard and Goodwick, and deliver Springboard family learning provision at target primary schools with higher rates of child poverty.
  • Deliver our early years pathfinder project and improve services for our families and their youngest children.


ID: 10914, revised 05/01/2024