Corporate Strategy 2023-2028
A new Corporate Performance Scorecard was developed in 2021 to provide timely data to senior officers and members with the aim of better identifying issues needing intervention.
As part of strengthening the Council’s collective approach to understanding and monitoring performance, regular meetings between Cabinet and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to go through the Corporate Performance Scorecard have been established and this provides a space for constructive challenge and oversight between the Executive and senior officers.
In addition, the Scorecard has been used as a driver to identify areas within the organisation which appear to be underperforming and whereby specific focus and improvement activity can be targeted. An example is the Contact Centre and customer response times where performance has improved significantly, prompted by the focus that these indicators brought.
The Scorecard has also been presented regularly to the Extended Leadership Team (ELT) to ensure senior officers from across the organisation have the opportunity to understand and contribute to the development of a stronger performance culture in the Council. In addition, performance monitoring reporting via the Corporate Scorecard has also been re-introduced into the Overview and Scrutiny work programming cycle to enable non-executive Members to have oversight of performance.
The next stage for this work is via the newly formed data project team who are developing reporting (and in time, automatic updating) via Microsoft PowerBI. We are still in the early stages of this roll-out and have not fully explored the potential for the system.
We recognise the need to develop indicators on an on-going basis, but particularly in relation to:
- Education (as commented on by the Head of School Improvement and Commissioning at Governance and Audit Committee at its 29 November 2022 meeting).
- Property (which is recognised in our recent Strategic Asset Management Plan).
The indicators in the current Corporate Scorecard are set out in the following section.
Corporate Scorecard measures
The indicators reported in our corporate scorecard at Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 January 2023 are listed below.
Social care
- Percentage of vacant Social Care FTE social work care posts.
Adult care
- Number of adult protection enquiries.
- Percentage adult protection enquiries completed within 7 working days.
- Number of adults waiting for an assessment of need.
- Number of adults waiting for a review of their care plan.
- Number of adults waiting in a hospital acute bed.
- Number of adults waiting for Domiciliary Care.
- Average number of adults receiving Domiciliary Care per week (planned).
- Average number of hours of Domiciliary Care per week (planned).
- Average number of hours per adult receiving Domiciliary Care per week.
- Reablement outcomes - percentage leaving with no long term care.
- Number of adults in Residential Care/Nursing placement.
- Number of adults waiting for reablement.
- Number of adults completing reablement.
- Total number of carers needs assessments for adults undertaken.
Child care
- Number of children who are Looked After (LAC).
- Number of children who are Looked After returned home (reunifications).
- Number initial child protection conferences (ICPCs) completed.
- Number of open Strategy 47 assessments.
- Number of young carers needs assessments undertaken.
- Number of children on the Child Protection Register.
- Total number of children removed from Child Protection Register (de-registered).
Telephone data
- Contact Centre Incoming calls received.
- Direct dial percentage of incoming calls answered.
- Contact Centre Incoming calls abandoned.
- Contact Centre Average queue time for incoming calls (mins).
- Contact Centre Percentage of incoming calls answered.
HR and staffing
- Staff sickness rate (FTE days lost due to sickness per FTE).
- Reason for sickness.
- No. non-school contracted FTE.
- No. school based contracted FTE.
- Corporate FTE non-guaranteed hours.
- School staff FTE non-guaranteed hours.
Social media
- The number of unique active users per month authenticated by our IDP service.
- Most popular transactions (top 10) on “new” MyAccount.
- Social media sentiment - percentage responses positive.
Other service data
Cultural and leisure
- Visitor numbers to libraries.
- Number of books issued from libraries (incl. digital loans).
- Visitor numbers to leisure centres.
- All maintained schools attendance.
- Primary School attendance.
- Secondary school attendance.
- Rate of exclusion (5 days or less) per 1,000 pupils in primary/secondary schools, special schools and Pembrokeshire Learning Centre (cumulative).
- Council tax collection – % due for the financial year which was received at the end of the month (cumulative) and arrears £.
- Business rates collection – % due for the financial year which was received at the end of the month (cumulative) and arrears £.
- Housing rent collection – value of rent arrears at the end of the month (cumulative).
- Average number of days taken to process new housing benefit claims.
- Average number of days taken to process changes of circumstances to existing housing benefit claims.
- Average number of days taken to process new council tax reduction scheme claims.
- Average number of days taken to process changes of circumstances to existing council tax reduction scheme claims.
- Numbers of homeless people working with the Advice Team by types of Temporary accommodation at the end of the month (Including singles, couples, families with dependents).
- Number of homeless people moved into suitable long-term accommodation in social, private rented or “other” housing.
- Number of homelessness applications (section 62 assessments) for assistance taken during the month.
- Number of people recorded as rough sleeping at the end of the month.
- Numbers on the Choice Homes@Pembrokeshire (CH@P) housing waiting list (split into gold, silver, bronze banding) and size of property assessed as needed.
- The average number of calendar days (cumulative) taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant.
- Voids - The average number of calendar days taken to let lettable units of accommodation during the financial year for permanent accommodation.
- Number of second home “premiums”.
- Number of long term (3yrs+) empty property "premiums".
- % of all planning applications determined within the time periods required (incl. extensions).
- Number planning decisions made against officer advice.
- Number of applications received and validated.
- Number of applications older than 8 weeks.