Corporate Strategy 2023-2028


A1- We will improve the provision of education and learning, equipping our learners with lifelong skills and knowledge they will need for the future

Contribution to national well-being goals

We consider that our education well-being objective will make a particular contribution to the following national well-being goals:

  • A prosperous Wales.
  • A healthier Wales.
  • A more equal Wales.
  • A Wales of vibrant culture & thriving Welsh language.
  • A globally responsible Wales.


  • We can evidence demonstrable progress since the Estyn inspection in November 2019. We were removed from the category of local authority causing significant concern in October 2022 but further improvement is still required.
  • Education is critical to the future sustainability of Pembrokeshire and meeting the skills needs of the future and implementing the new curriculum.
  • We are part way through a major school re-organisation programme which has seen significant investment in the school estate. This is a long term project.

What we are going to do

Support schools to create high quality learner pathways and curricula and create sustainable improvement to enable our schools to be high performing.
  • Use the Curriculum for Wales to shape curriculum pathways, which are appropriate to learners’ needs
  • Further develop the use and application of assessment to accelerate learning and to underpin strong professional practice and accountability
  • Deliver, adapt and embed the national reforms for pupils with Additional Learning Needs
  • Facilitate and encourage opportunities for pupil and parent/carer engagement and involvement in children’s learning
Create a nurturing environment and inspire every learner to be ambitious, capable, confident, responsible and resilient.
  • Develop whole school approaches to mental health and well-being for learners
  • Continue our roll out of Trauma Informed practice and ensure that it embedded in all our approaches
  • Develop child friendly approaches and deliver our obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in full.
  • Develop further our outdoor learning strategy so that all learners are able to access high quality provision through our play sufficiency assessments.
  • Deliver community youth work and school holiday programmes across the County.
Continue to deliver our Sustainable Communities for Learning programme, investing in new or refurbished school buildings such as Portfield School, Ysgol Bro Penfro, Milford Haven Primary and Milford Haven Secondary schools.
  • Meet the challenges of our declining population across the county through a school transformation and school organisation plan.
  • Enhance and develop our school clusters to provide long term sustainable development for all our learners.
  • Invest further in digital technologies through our Hwb Edtech programme.
Through partnership working enable our schools to be autonomous and own their own accountability under a system that drives continuous improvement.
  • Develop further our education improvement board, working in partnership with others.
  • Create high quality opportunities for governors to work in partnership.
  • Develop further our partnerships with parents so that our services meet the needs of learners and puts learners first.
  • Maintain and further develop strong governance for our partnership arrangements.
ID: 10906, revised 06/10/2023