Corporate Strategy 2023-2028
Core Services
A8- We will focus resources on delivering core services such as highways, waste and recycling, public protection and leisure and culture that contribute to all communities’ quality of life, ensuring residents live in neighbourhoods that are clean, green, safe and active.
Contribution to national well-being goals
We consider that our core services well-being objective will make a particular contribution to the following national well-being goals:
- A prosperous Wales.
- A resilient Wales.
- A healthier Wales.
- A more equal Wales.
- A Wales of cohesive communities.
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.
- A globally responsible Wales.
- Core services such as highways, waste and recycling, public protection and leisure and culture are the ones that our residents think of as being quintessential Council services. This sets an expectation on service performance.
- These services underpin people’s well-being and the link between mental health and access to good quality provision of open spaces was recognised by the Future Generations Commissioner in her Manifesto for the Future.
- Evidence shows quality core services, especially a well maintained local environment, is particularly important to residents from vulnerable groups and to a greater degree than residents in general.
- Involving people in the design and delivery of core services reinforces our well-being objective.
What we are going to do
- Maintain and seek to improve local environmental quality (on streets, public realm, parks, countryside and beaches) through, for example, a focus on reducing enviro-crime.
- Maintain our highways in a good condition, improve road safety and seek to enhance and extend the public rights of way network.
- Continue to provide a comprehensive range of good quality leisure, library and cultural facilities and programmes that support the health and well-being of our residents.
- Work with partners to address anti-social behaviour and maintain public safety.
- Support a safe living and working environment through the efficient and effective delivery of public protection services.
- Improve accessibility, choice and the experience of our customers in dealing with the council, designing services around the needs of customers and citizens.
- Continue to improve and maintain in Recycling and Reuse in line with WG strategy including “Towards Zero Waste” and “Beyond Recycling” and associated legislation.
ID: 10913, revised 06/10/2023