Corporate Strategy 2023-2028
Our 2023-2028 Well-being Objectives
Our 2023-2028 Well-being Objectives are listed below. The first nine are outward looking, focussed on how the Council will improve the well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire and on the contribution we will make towards the national well-being goals for Wales. The final three are focussed internally on what the Council needs to improve and strengthen. These underpin the effective delivery of all of our work and relate back to our self-assessment as well as the Corporate Improvement section of the Programme for Administration. The themes and actions in the Corporate Improvement section are reflected in governance, financial sustainability and workforce development.
Making progress on our three internally focused well-being objectives is a prerequisite to making progress on external well-being objectives. They support delivery of all seven national well-being goals but do not directly relate to them.
The following sections outline our rationale for choosing each of our well-being objectives and the actions that we intend to take to deliver them over the course of the next 5 years.
A1. We will improve the provision of education and learning, equipping our learners with lifelong skills and knowledge they will need for the future.
A2. We will ensure the appropriate provision of care and support, focusing on prevention and ensuring vulnerable people are safe.
A3. We will enable the delivery of affordable, available, adaptable and energy efficient homes.
A4. We will deliver our economic ambition through supporting growth, jobs and prosperity and enable the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy.
A5. We will promote and support initiatives to deliver decarbonisation, manage climate adaptation and tackle the nature emergency.
A6. We will support our communities, maintaining positive relationships with them to help to build active, resourceful, connected, sustainable and creative communities.
A7. We will support the Welsh language within communities and through schools.
A8. We will focus resources on delivering core services such as highways, waste and recycling, public protection and leisure and culture that contribute to all communities’ quality of life, ensuring residents live in neighbourhoods that are clean, green, safe and active.
A9. We will develop a strategy to reduce poverty and inequality.
B1. We will build a culture of good governance in the Council to enhance trust and confidence in our decision-making processes.
B2. We will be a financially sustainable and resilient Council managing our resources and assets effectively and efficiently, for instance by reviewing and optimizing our corporate estate.
B3. We will enhance the development of our workforce, improving skills and opportunities as well as tackling issues of recruitment and retention.